Monday, 19 March 2007


So I've been looking around on Blogger dot com and wondering how all the thousands of different weblogs get all these different readers commenting and checking them every day. Who reads blogs? I know i don't, unless I've heard of the person before (I tend to frequent and Which I suppose I should rectify, if there are this many blogs on the net then some of the unheard of ones must be genuinely good. Either that or 99% of the blogs and journals on the internet are written by emotional whingers/sexist greasy teenagers/racist greasy teenagers/homophobic greasy teenagers (I only turned 20 six moths ago but already feel justified in acting grumpily towards teenagers, i feel so old) .. etc etc. The content of most of the blogs I randomly accessed today appeared to have been written by these types, but I know I'm being close-minded, I will do some hunting and find some interesting web logs by normal people and be enlightened (also if I do this I will get the feeling that someone else may be doing this and come upon my own blog, which would make me happy).

Wow, i searched 'blogs' in the search engine and found a blog with the most webcestual (should be a real word) introduction ever: "Welcome to the Blogware blog, a blog that covers the Blogware weblog platform। You'll find all kinds of information here, from customizing your Blogware blog to weblogging in general!" Christ, try saying that quickly. I am going to try and stop using the word blog for a while now, my Blogger weblog is saturated with blogs. Goodbye, the internet.
Now Playing: Pavement- Slanted and Enchanted

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why not:)