Monday 19 March 2007

An angel and a monochrome valley

Okeydoke, second and third attempts with Paint Shop। i like the little angel fella, but thats more due to the nice blurring features than my hackneyed scribbly drawing, it is immensely hard to draw with a mouse. mope. The valley i quite like though, it was an A4 biro sketch i did in a lecture where the lecturer forgot to turn up. I did try to colour the whole thing in Paint Shop but found it difficult without obscuring the detail, and i didn't want to erase much because i like slightly messy, scratchy drawing. I have only just started using the program though, it may turn out that i find exactly the right tools on it to colour hand drawn things well, or it might turn out that I find another program. Or give up on colour altogether. Nobody knows..
Click on the landscape pic for a full size version, click on the angel for a smaller version apparently..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww that thing is adorable!! :-D dont angels have wings though? :-P